BSP has always ensured building and increasing the level of Employee Engagement within the organization through a cumbersome practices such as employee surveys, Values Engagement Sessions, trainings and many more. This time, the Human Resource Department in collaboration with the Communications Department introduced the all new “Lunch series” activity which was envisioned to increase the level of communication and interaction amongst the employees and the Top Management. For this, employees from all the tiers within the Company were selected based on the criteria of random selection (Lucky draw) and a group of 6-8 employees were then invited to have a scrumptious lunch with the members of the Top Management in our Kasur Mess. These Lunch series were aimed at developing a level of trust and familiarity between the two tiers and to give the employees a chance to have a heart to heart conversation with personals from the Top Management which included the BU Heads and Directors from the service Departments. The first season of the Lunch series proved to be a great success, filled with talks between the guest employees and the host Management, not to forget the yummy ice- creams served and enjoyed by all at the end of every Lunch!